Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spanglish For The Masses (eso no e ná)

Esonoenaismo: Viene de eso no e ná a contraction of eso no es nada.
Means: that’s nothing, not a big deal, I’ve seen worst.

Esonoená is becoming a common motto
-Why do you park your car on the sidewalk?
-Eso no e ná

-So you re fucking your wife’s sister???
-Eso no e ná

-You re not picking up your dog's shit?
-Eso no e ná

-Estás en vía contraria.
The guy is driving in the wrong lane and he stares
at you with an angry face and
an Im not in the mood don’t fuck with me attitude.
-Yes I'm doing it so?? Eso no e ná…

Y así el “esonoenaism” se ha convertido en
parte de nuestra cultura.
Part of our culture.

But we have great weather and sandy beaches
and bitches too.


A new occupation is born:
Esonoeader Coach

1 comment:

Freddesteros said...
